1. What do I do with my shoes during the swim?
Athletes must carry their shoes, swim caps, goggles and any other racewear from the bike transition through to the finish. How to carry one's shoes is an ongoing debate among all SOS finishers. Athletes tend to carry their shoes in a bag used as a pull buoy or they are placed inside the trisuit or tri shorts.
2. Can I defer my entry / transfer to another athlete?
No deferments are allowed in the SOS Triathlon due to the qualification rules and timing to qualify.
3. Can I wear a wetsuit?
Wetsuits are allowed for the three swim portions of the race, however it must be carried by the Athlete for the entirety of the run/swim legs.
4. What is the typical temperature of the lakes?
Each lake is different in size and depth and depend on the weather and average air temperatures in the weeks before the race. However, in most years the lakes are about 69-71 degrees. Lake temperatures are announced on our Facebook page and our Blog a few days before race day.
5. How many aid stations are on the course?
There are eight aid stations on the course. In order, their locations are: 1st-at the bike transition, 2nd-approx. 2.75 miles into the first run, 3rd-at the exit to the Lake Awosting swim, 4th-approx. 3 miles into the second run, 5th-at the exit to the Lake Minnewaska swim, 6th-at Lyons Rd, approx. 2 miles into the third run, 7th-at Trapps Bridge, approx. 4.5 miles into the third run, and 8th-Rhododendron Bridge, approx. 6.75 miles into the third run.
6. What type of food is there at the aid stations?
The SOS is partnered with Honey Stinger, and we offer a variety of their products such as energy gels, performance chews, and waffles. Aid stations are also supplied with Gatorade, water, pretzels and the last three aid stations (Lyons Rd, Trapps Bridge, and Rhododendron Bridge) will have Coca-Cola.
7. Should I wear socks?
It is up to each athlete to decide what to wear on race day. People race the SOS with and without socks. We suggest that whatever you decide - you ensure adequate training in that context and recommend not making last minute changes to your race plan.
8. Are there local hotels?
There are many choices of lodging in the New Paltz area, including Hotels, Inns, Bed & Breakfasts, and campgrounds. The SOS does not have any recommendations, however we suggest checking TripAdvisor for information - here.
9. Where can my family watch the race? What is the best place to watch the race?
Family members can watch athletes in a few key places: at the starting line as they embark on their SOS journey, at Minnewaska Lake as athletes exit the water, and at Mohonk Lake/Finish line. Note that entry to the Mohonk property must be paid before you can enter.
10. What is a “carriage road”/what is the running surface like?
Carriage roads are (mostly) level surfaces made up of crushed stone and dirt. The run around Lake Awosting goes from carriage road to a rocky path. All roads and paths are about three to four adults wide.
11. What should I eat before the race?
The diet of a triathlete on race day is as nuanced as a space shuttle launch. We do not have any recommendations other than to eat what you are used to and be aware that you have a very long day ahead of you. There will be nutrition on the course at 6 aid stations, however athletes will need to sustain themselves for the initial bike-run-swim portion.
12. Do I have to attend the pre-race dinner?
The pre-race dinner is mandatory and therefore all athletes must attend.
13. What is better…road bike or tri-bike?
SOS Survivors ride both road bikes and tri-bikes. 26 time finisher, Mike Halstead, rides a tri-bike. This is a personal preference decision that all participating athletes must make on their own.
14. Is it mass start?
The start is the bike stage and it's a wave start – waves are separated by one minute each.
15. How does weather affect the race?
Like any race, severe weather can affect the SOS. However the weather does not HAVE to be severe to affect the race. Fog can and has canceled swims portions. The SOS Facebook page and our Blog on this website will have weather related updates in the days prior to race day. If we are expecting race-affecting weather, it will be discussed at the pre-race dinner and the final call for any race modifications will be made the morning of the race.
16. Do I get a t-shirt AND a plaque?
All SOS Survivors receive both a coveted Survivor tech shirt as well as a Finisher plaque.
17. Do I have to stay for the whole awards ceremony to get my plaque?
We encourage SOS Survivors to support fellow athletes in the awards ceremony - but it is not mandatory to remain until the end of the ceremony to get your plaque. See an SOS Race Committee member or the illustrious Awards Ceremony MC, Alex Sherwood, to receive your plaque during the post-race dinner.